Friday, May 13, 2011

Lucas turns 2!

Dear readers,
Thanks to those following my blog! Rena, Debra, Kayla, and T Mo are the best! In case you are wondering, yes T Mo is me. I don't remember how I started following my own blog, but whatever stranger things have happened - like Kayla actually illustrating my blog. I would hope Kayla feels guilty, but I know she is impregnable to guilt and electric attacks (Pokemon reference).
It's birthday time! It's not Rena's birthday this week. It's my nephew Lucas! Here is picture of my nephew Lucas. I likes to sit in the toy drawer. The little kid doesn't like my sister-in-law Becca's family. He cries when most of Becca's family try to pick him up or get near him. It's kind of sad because the he is making a mess and I want to spread the messiness with others. I gave him a crappy present. We Morrises are bad at giving presents. For my nephew Hayden's first Christmas I gave him a ball he already own; wrap it up, put under tree, and wham-o shopping for the one year old is done. I got a Christmas present the kid will like. I use to think I was clever because he won't remember, but now I think it was kind of mean. So I didn't learn my lesson. I hadn't got my nephew anything. He's two years old; he want something to put in his mouth or throw. So naturally I went to the toy drawer and got out a toy cell phone he already plays with. He loved the present!

My goal is to get 10 views on this blog. So be sure to share this post with your mothers.
By the way we have new portrait of Kayla. I don't want to name the artist so Kayla you will have to wonder who the artist is of this masterpiece. For some reason, I have an urge to make list of my pet peeves. Here are my top 2 (for today at least):
  1. The imbecile on the corners on the the street. It's even better when they are listening to music using the advertisement as an air guitar! Or worse, when they are dancing and jiggling the advertisement so much you can't read them. Is this the most effective way of advertisement? I go out of my way to avoid establishment that me! Honestly, it's more like I can't afford to buy them. But I could buy houses they were selling I would avoid them!
  2. The overpass with a "hill blocks view" road sign. What, why is that there? I'm not even sure how to frame this question! Have we as a people become so asinine as a people that we need to point out the obvious? These are the signs I think we should start posting signs saying this: "Beware, lake is wet", "library books are free to checkout, unless you return them late and then you get fined", "Times New Roman is not a language, it is a font", "Men's bathroom is most disgusting place on earth", "J's cubicle: The Black Hole", "Warning, Glenn Beck is dramatic" and "Trevor, the most eligible bachelor on 13oo East." Let me know what is your favorite or if you have another to add the the list. The winner will be made into an illustration by Kayla for my next blog.


  1. Times New Roman should be a language.

    Here's a sign that should be posted, "Having children is like getting a tattoo on your face. It's kinda a forever thing." OK, so I stole that from Eat. Pray. Love.

    This one is original:

    For Walmart: "Mullets optional."
    For the Gap: "Pretensiousness required."

  2. Here is my rant. 1. Why is it when you get to the checkout station at walmart they ask you if you found everything? Hey stupid! If I hadn't found everything I wouldn't be in line!. Plus, what are you going to do if I say No? Sometimes I want to make crap up like, "Did you find everything?" RESPONSE: "Almost, do you know where I can find a cashier who will just shut up and scan my damn groceries?"

  3. I liked "the lake is wet." Mine would be "don't give Debra sharp objects."

  4. I love the Walmart bashing. Rena, mullets are optional for the men, but not for the women! Cole I think you do a rant list post. It would be cathartic. Debra, how did I forget that one. I should have added "Kayla is in arrested development" too.

  5. Signs I think should be posted

    1. Pee into urinal
    2. If you can't find it, check with J. (people do seem to grasp this intuitively)
    3. Clutter is a sign of a brilliant mind at work.
    4. Stupid Questions Answered Here (to be posted above circulation desk)

  6. That picture says Love McCall at the bottom, so I am pretty sure I know who drew it.......
