Friday, August 12, 2011

My nephew, the gold digger...

My experiment update: It has been approved by the IRB! Now I am wondering what I have gotten myself into. I need to find four amendable professors for my experiment now willing enough to let me use their classes. Mnemonics and interference, here I come!

Best movie you haven't seen: Despite what Samantha Sands says, Cowboys and Aliens is an awesome movie! It has cowboys, aliens, James bond, a grumpy Indiana Jones, and the one woman in it. What more do you want (rhetorical questions)? The Rise of the Planet of the Apes is okay, as long as you don't mind it coming off as a PETA commercial. It's worth seeing John Lithgow's performance. James Franco looks lost and uninterested. I give it a B-.

So recently I got an Ipad 2. It's awesome. I took it to the dentist. I got a senior discount at the dentists because of it. It also got a me the perfect girlfriend! It is amazing! My mom loves it some much that when I'm not looking she takes it to the bathroom with her. My dad tattled on her. And then there is my nephew Hayden (he is pictured below). So he has been, well kissing up. I tells my I'm the "bestest ever". And today he told his nana and papa that Sammie (his aunt on Becca's side) was his favorite, but "trevor is my favoritists ever because of his I thingy [Ipad]." What a little gold digger. :)

Friday, July 15, 2011

For Rena, The List

Rena has asked me often what I look for in a dateable, so just for the heck of it (this a G rated blog). Here is my list with explanations. Please note, this list is somewhat facetious and somewhat serious.
1) Be female
1) Must like Foo Fighters, Incubus, and Weird Al. Weezer and QOTSA are also an acceptable answers as is The Black Keys. Actually I don't like Weird Al. Cole and Rena both like Weezer. Therefore, my dateable/significant other must like the Foos. Or at least tolerate them or one of the other bands. Or at least "like" them on facebook for my sake.
2) Vaccines: they don't cause autism and they are perfect against communicable diseases like cooties. Also great for herd immunity (sentence fragment).
3) Be illiterate: this is important. Sometimes I misspell words and use improper grammar (surprise, surprise it happens), if she is illiterate she won't know there are any problems....ignorance is bliss.
1) Be female
4) Not affiliated with a political party or able to have a political conversation if she does lean one direction or the other. I grew up more conservative/Republican. But ever sense college, I have gotten more liberal....even progressive (which in Glen Beck's bizarro world is dirty word). Plus I think conservatives have gotten more ideologically rigid. It's hard to talk about anything if you have black/white, right/wrong, left/right, conservative/liberal, patriot/traitor, us versus them dichotomous thinking.
5) Must understand the "who is the cheeseman?" reference. Cole does, but hates the cheeseman.
6) Must be my height or shorter. OR if she is taller, be willing to get height reduction surgery.
7) Have values, i.e., physically strong, mentally awake and morally straight.
8) Funnyish

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Incubus, Seether, and Weezer oh my!

Everyone one has their favorite music. I believe music preference to be purely arbitrary. So when people ask me favorite band I tell them the Foo Fighters. Why they ask? Well, I started out like one of their songs, Everlong. Sometime the Foos can be screamy, but I like them for the energy of the music and the simplicity of the lyrics. Every since Everlong, their music has grown me. I think a lot people have a similar band, their first - like a first kiss. The Foos came out with a new album this spring and my favorite song on the album, Bridge Burning, begins out screamy but ends up normal. Other bands I like have recently released new albums. Incubus and Seether (both in my top ten of favorite bands) released new albums. I just found out that Weezer, who is growing on me, released another album last fall with Hurley from Lost on the cover! How cool is that. Anyway, here is are my top 10 favorite bands. I don't list them in order, mostly because I am not sure the order:
Foo Fighters
The Black Keys
Queens of the Stone Age
Rise Against
Jack's Mannequin
Them Crooked Vultures

I've found Kayla a boyfriend. In the episode of Wipeout, Kayla's own people are one of the featured groups of people! So Kayla, who will it be? The Teddy Bear Guy? The LARPer Shadow Wolf the Regulator (at 5 minutes 55 seconds) and the Jedi at ( 9 minutes and 9 seconds).

Kayla, you're welcome.

Here is your psychological question of the day:
"how many animals of each kind did Moses take on the ark?"

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Okay, so it's been awhile since I lasted blogged. Class has ended, which means the inevitable challenging of the grades by some students. That comes with the territory. I have the next block off thankfully. I need the break. I was getting burned out going 3 years straight with no break. It will also give me time to go back and proof read my previous blogs. ;) Disclaimer: I won't proofread this blog entry, I'm multitasking.

Reading update: I love my Kindle. I'm almost finished with John Wooden on Leadership and half way through Applied Intelligence. Rena let me know if you want more of my kindle books. And cole, you can have them too. You just need to download the kindle app on your Mac.
Dating update:
Back update: still in pain - this episode is going on 4 weeks now....I an old man at the ripe age of 28!
IRB update: submitted on Wednesday. I'm nervous
Nephews update: On Tuesday we went to my great aunt's Laverne's funeral. She passed away last week. Well during the dedicticory prayer at the cemetery Rand (my brother) asked me if I had Lucas (the 2 year old). I didn't so we asked George (our dad). He did. So we looked around and Lucas was on the far side of the cemetery running away from us. We are observant people.

Thursday, June 9, 2011


I have a few items for today's blog. First, I am creating a website on google. Here is the url:
It's not much but I be want to use it as a professional page. I heart google. It will be a central place to organize class materials, professional stuff, and even list books (especially psychology and education) that I recommend. I am excited about this. I don't teach second block so I will a more time. I'm trying to fill that whole in my time next block when I don't teach with productive activity. I want to read some more books, get my study through the IRB, and work on this website as well as prepare for classes in the fall.

Reading update:
I have made a concerted effort to read more instead of wasting time watching T.V. I finished a book written by my friend Rena called One Armed Freak. It was pretty good and is available as a kindle book for really cheap. Check it out if you can. Here is the link:
Another book I am about to finish is Mindset by Carol Dweck. Here is snippet: "This growth mindset is based on the belief that your basic qualities are things you can cultivate through your efforts. Although people may differ in every which way - in their initial talents and aptitudes, interests, or temperaments - everyone can change and grow through application and experience. Do people with this mindset believe that anyone can be anything, that anyone with proper motivation or education can be become Einstein or Beethoven? No, but they believe that a person's true potential is unknown (and unknowable); that it's impossible to foresee what can be accomplished with years of passion, toil, and training."

J's doppelganger has a new video out. If you like tasers, stick around to the end.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Waitresses & 5Ks

I have often wondered this? Finally some truth on this subject! Waitresses, I'm on to you!

America's Waitresses: Are They Hitting On You?

I ran a 5k today. I got Rena to run, but couldn't convince Cole. I somehow made it in 28:33, which is amazing because I had posted 36 and 33 on my training for this 5k. That was almost as fast as the Road Runner. What's even more amazing is how many people I knew there: Carla Hendegren, Janelle Hanks, Katy Gibson, Jen Mortensen, and that one guy Brandon Platt. It's too bad Stephy and Chad weren't there. Then my 5k would have been complete.

J suggested that I mention science on my blog because of my title. So I'll do that on a later blog because I'm tired from my 5K.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The ZMAN Series.

For those of you who didn't like my last post, I beg your pardon. And as J pointed out in the comments of my last post, there should be a sign in the men's bathroom over the urinal saying "pee here".
This week, I wrote, directed, and produced a bad animated series called ZMAN. If you haven't watched it, here are all the episodes.

Episode 2

Episode 3

And the last episode!
I do hope I get a golden raspberry award for this C-list effort. That's why they call me the Mexican Spielberg (Simpsons reference, I think) .

Monday, May 16, 2011

The musical "note": Everlong

In season 6 episode 7 of the show Buffy the Vampire Slayer, a demon curses the townsfolk to sing and dance as if life were a musical. Maybe it's inspiration from that show; or maybe not. Maybe this is fleeting idea I had, but nevertheless it is an idea I wanted to try. This note was born. I called it Everlong. No doubt referencing Buffy the Vampire Slayer might Burn some Bridges with J, but maybe the reaction to this format will be mostly positive; No One Knows, I certainly don't. So what are you suppose to do? As I dink around with this idea, just follow the links. You will experience my taste of music throughout this "note". Everything in this "note" stained with music.
I don't have The Resolution to sing or play musical instrument. My friend Becca can. She can play the piano and sing at the same time. She can even do it well. My friend Kayla, Who Was a Teenage Hand Model, can play the triangle. And she can play it in time!
A student made me laugh in class. He admit he was prepared for the quiz and was Faking It. I respect that. Sometimes we all fake it. Neither Don't Stop Believing in yourself, nor let life get Best of You; even The Pretenders can become contenders (this last phrase rhymed).
I saw Thor over the weekend with Cole and Debra. I was surprised how much I liked it. I usually have low expectations for movies like this. Michael Bay has set the bar low for this movie genre. But before you Walk out on this genre of movie, give Thor a chance. It might surprise you. Oh and Thor featured the Foo Fighters song Walk.

If you didn't like this blog, I apologize.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Lucas turns 2!

Dear readers,
Thanks to those following my blog! Rena, Debra, Kayla, and T Mo are the best! In case you are wondering, yes T Mo is me. I don't remember how I started following my own blog, but whatever stranger things have happened - like Kayla actually illustrating my blog. I would hope Kayla feels guilty, but I know she is impregnable to guilt and electric attacks (Pokemon reference).
It's birthday time! It's not Rena's birthday this week. It's my nephew Lucas! Here is picture of my nephew Lucas. I likes to sit in the toy drawer. The little kid doesn't like my sister-in-law Becca's family. He cries when most of Becca's family try to pick him up or get near him. It's kind of sad because the he is making a mess and I want to spread the messiness with others. I gave him a crappy present. We Morrises are bad at giving presents. For my nephew Hayden's first Christmas I gave him a ball he already own; wrap it up, put under tree, and wham-o shopping for the one year old is done. I got a Christmas present the kid will like. I use to think I was clever because he won't remember, but now I think it was kind of mean. So I didn't learn my lesson. I hadn't got my nephew anything. He's two years old; he want something to put in his mouth or throw. So naturally I went to the toy drawer and got out a toy cell phone he already plays with. He loved the present!

My goal is to get 10 views on this blog. So be sure to share this post with your mothers.
By the way we have new portrait of Kayla. I don't want to name the artist so Kayla you will have to wonder who the artist is of this masterpiece. For some reason, I have an urge to make list of my pet peeves. Here are my top 2 (for today at least):
  1. The imbecile on the corners on the the street. It's even better when they are listening to music using the advertisement as an air guitar! Or worse, when they are dancing and jiggling the advertisement so much you can't read them. Is this the most effective way of advertisement? I go out of my way to avoid establishment that me! Honestly, it's more like I can't afford to buy them. But I could buy houses they were selling I would avoid them!
  2. The overpass with a "hill blocks view" road sign. What, why is that there? I'm not even sure how to frame this question! Have we as a people become so asinine as a people that we need to point out the obvious? These are the signs I think we should start posting signs saying this: "Beware, lake is wet", "library books are free to checkout, unless you return them late and then you get fined", "Times New Roman is not a language, it is a font", "Men's bathroom is most disgusting place on earth", "J's cubicle: The Black Hole", "Warning, Glenn Beck is dramatic" and "Trevor, the most eligible bachelor on 13oo East." Let me know what is your favorite or if you have another to add the the list. The winner will be made into an illustration by Kayla for my next blog.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I hate the word Blog!!

I gave into peer pressure. Even though I hate the word blog, I started a blog AKA "note". I hate the word blogger even more. I would rather be referred to as a noter. Or maybe not. Oh well, humans are sheep and have the herd mentality. But not me. This "note" has something unique. It has something no other "note" has - Kayla North original illustrations. Well sort of. Kayla has yet to do an illustration beyond a token offer in the comment section of my first "note". So I have taken the liberty of doing an illustration of Kayla not doing an illustration for my blog (see left illustration). I was such a trend setter that Debra did an illustration of Kayla too (see above right illustration). One of the problems with blogspot, even Facebook has gotten around this problem, is captions aren't allowed on photos. Boo!

Kindle Update: I know I bored my readers with endless updates of my Kindle's travel to me. It's here! It is a healthy 19 ounces with 6 inch screen. I'll upload some photos later of the the proud papa and kindle later. If only we could track storks bring babies like we do packages from Amazon....Or better yet idea! We could NORAD track my package like they track Santa on Christmas Eve?

One of the odd things about my "note" is that it reads more like a journal than any thing else. It's like a window into the warped mind of Trevor. Well only partly, because this "note" is public, I don't write everything here. Nonetheless, even though I tend be quiet, I go on and on if I want to. I worked the dreadfully boring Saturday shift. I forgot how much I like that shift. I had a busy night. I had two birthday parties to attend. I swung by Julie Larsen's birthday party. I said hi and happy birthday. She was there and so was Becca Kuck. I got a hug from each. :) I know I'm a dork (Debra you don't need to remind me again). I don't remember who else was there. My memory is going in my old, old age. I didn't get get to talk to Julie or Becca much because I got distracted by a football....ADHD wins again!
I then whisked (Dear Editor, is whisked the right word?) off to help Cole get ready for his wife's, Rena, surprise party. He didn't need help to get ready. I had a hard time not talking about how she was getting a Kindle too! I tried to foreshadow it in only the most ridiculousness way possible. I showed Rena how my new Kindle fits in her purse. And no Rena, I don't want a new purse or murse (Man + Purse) to go with my new Kindle. I am interested to see if Rena and Cole post about the party; see their perspectives. Mine is the most correct one of course. It's funny to hear about Cole's waking hallucinations after taking children Nyquil. Little men fluffing his pillow! Even odder, those little men were riding My Little Ponies! I want Kayla to get on an illustration of that pronto. (Please).

Update on church: my ward is gutted. I don't really like it. I lost my awesome co-chair because she lives south of 4th south. She is still going to come anyway. Did I mention she is awesome! I don't think I can find "sisters"that has the enthusiam for BBBS she does. We lost about 30 "sisters". So much for our ward remaining intact. I don't care for 8 30 am church. I was 40 minutes late to first day. I wasn't the only one. 4 people came in after I did. The church needs a phone wake up call service, which would do me any good because I leave the phone in another room. Would be wrong to ask the Holy Ghost for a wake up call? Anyway, Debra and Becca are in the same ward now. They haven't met each other yet, so I am introducing them through my "note". Debra you know it's Becca because she is the female version of Justin Beaver. And just like how Justin Beaver has a herd of teenage girls following, Becca and a line of teenage boys (and elders) following her.

This might be my last blog for awhile. School is starting up again. The beginning of class always makes me nervous....pregame butterflies. Maybe I'll "note" on non exciting events on or why Doctor Who is a guilty pleasure. Or maybe about my date; oh wait, I don't have one planned. Or how my 5k went (if I can get work off). Or why we should write a sitcom called Circ from Cole's and my view VS Kayla and Debra.

P.S. Papa and Kindle are doing fine.
P.S.P.S.s Thanks Cole